
I get super emotional just thinking about Mexico as a big chunk of my modeling and blogging career stayed there. It treated me so well, opened up my eyes to the whole new way of living. Money as much as needed often takes away from the happiness and this country depicts that principle so well. No other place I have been to projects so much joy for life despite the obvious poverty issues. It seams clear that dancing, singing and acting are the escape for less fortunate and that is why this country birthed some of the most talented performers. One thing is obvious, fashion is not the priority for most. Given the circumstances it is understandable. There is so much more to this country than fashion necessarily so I made peace with that rather quickly. If you ever get a chance I strongly suggest visiting Tulum. At this point it may sound trivial and over done but do not make a mistake of judging this piece of Heaven prematurely or at least before actually visiting. Intact nature will blow your mind. The ruins of the ancient Mayan city are nothing short of miracle. This could easily turn into your favorite getaway and yes blame it me I can take the blame.

